Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Course

    2. Land Acknowledgement

    3. Student Introductions

    4. Evaluation Critieria

    5. Course Overview

    6. Reflection Exercise

    1. 1.1 Introduction

    2. 1.2 Learning Topics

    3. 1.3 Legal and Ethical Responsibilities

    4. 1.4 Standards of Practice

    5. 1.5 Family Violence

    6. 1.6 Power Imbalance, Self Determination, Trust and Reasonableness

    7. 1.7 Financial Disclosure

    8. 1.8 Reflection on the Standards of Conduct

    9. 1.9 Privilege and Confidentiality

    10. 1.10 Legal Advice and Legal Information

    11. 1.11 Bringing Joint Experts to the Table

    12. 1.12 Limitation Periods

    13. 1.13 Recording Mediation Outcomes

    14. 1.14 Knowledge Check

    1. 2.1 Introduction

    2. 2.2 Learning Topics

    3. 2.3 Legal Framework

    4. 2.4 Legislation

    5. 2.5 Divorce Act

    6. 2.6 Family Law Act

    7. 2.7 Child Support Guidelines

    8. 2.8 Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines

    9. 2.9 The Family Maintenance Enforcement Act

    10. 2.10 Child Family and Community Services Act

    11. 2.11 Income Tax Act

    12. 2.12 Criminal Code

    13. 2.13 Introduction to Courts

    14. 2.14 Types of Courts and Characteristics

    15. 2.15 Court Jurisdiction

    16. 2.16 Court Processes

    17. 2.17 Provincial Court

    18. 2.18 BC Supreme Court

    19. 2.19 Caselaw

    20. 2.20 Knowledge Check

    1. 3.1 Introduction

    2. 3.2 Learning Topics

    3. 3.3 Terminology

    4. 3.4 Best Interests of the Child

    5. 3.5 Reflection: Views of the Child

    6. 3.6 Parental Responsibilities

    7. 3.7 Parenting Time / Living Arrangements

    8. 3.8 Temporary or Interim Agreements

    9. 3.9 Contact

    10. 3.10 Parenting Plans

    11. 3.11 Evaluative/Non Evaluative Reports

    12. 3.12 Sharing Information

    13. 3.13 Existing Court Applications

    14. 3.14 Relocation

    15. 3.15 Change in need or circumstance

    16. 3.16 Other Applications

    17. 3.17 Knowledge Check

    1. 4.1 Introduction

    2. 4.2 Learning Topics

    3. 4.3 Right of the Child

    4. 4.4 Who has a Duty to Provide Child Support?

    5. 4.5 How long is child support payable?

    6. 4.6 Child Support Guidelines

    7. 4.7 Overview of the Guidelines

    8. 4.8 Living Arrangements

    9. 4.9 Financial Disclosure

    10. 4.10 Calculating Income

    11. 4.11 Resources, Apps and Online Tools

    12. 4.12 Complex Income

    13. 4.13 Shareholders, directors or officers of a corporation

    14. 4.14 Imputing Income

    15. 4.15 Begin Creating A Child Support Checklist

    16. 4.16 Special and Extraordinary Expenses

    17. 4.17 Try a basic child support calculation

    18. 4.18 When the child support tables may not apply

    19. 4.19 Over the age of 19

    20. 4.20 Undue Hardship

    21. 4.21 Step-Parents

    22. 4.22 Income Over 150,000

    23. 4.23 Interjurisdictional Issues

    24. 4.24 Tax Flags and Drafting Issues

    25. 4.25 Variation, Review and Adjustment

    26. 4.26 Court Applications and Processes

    27. 4.27 Knowledge Check

    1. 5.1 Introduction

    2. 5.2 Learning Topics

    3. 5.3 Who Can Claim Spousal Support

    4. 5.4 Limitation Period

    5. 5.5 Legal Framework for Spousal Support

    6. 5.6 Entitlement to Spousal Support

    7. 5.7 Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines

    8. 5.8 The SSAG Formulas

    9. 5.9 Quantum

    10. 5.10 Duration of Support

    11. 5.11 Termination Dates and Indefinite Support

    12. 5.12 Income Considerations

    13. 5.13 Spousal Support Calculations

    14. 5.14 Exceptions

    15. 5.15 Restructuring

    16. 5.16 Tax Issues and Spousal Support

    17. 5.17 Changes to Spousal Support: Review, Variation and Setting Aside

    18. 5.18 Knowledge check

About this course

  • $750.00
  • Self-directed over a period of 3 months
  • Virtual (Online)

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